Redefining US-Japan-South Korea Relations in an Era of Economic Security
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Redefining US-Japan-South Korea Relations in an Era of Economic Security

At the August 2023 trilateral summit at Camp David, the leaders of the United States, South Korea, and Japan announced a new chapter of their partnership built upon common recognition of challenges to regional stability, enhanced trilateral consultation, and policy coordination.

As liberal democracies with advanced technological capabilities, the three countries share abiding interests in nurturing human-centered technological innovation, protecting critical technologies, bolstering reliable supply chains, and ensuring a rules-based economic order. The three countries must also overcome challenges posed by their future relationships with China, the unequal impact of technology restrictions, and the unpredictability of domestic politics.

On December 13, the Center for East Asia Policy Studies will host a group of experts to assess current trends in economic security and their implications for U.S.-Japan-South Korea relations. The first panel will address technological competition with China and the redesign of export controls. The second panel will discuss the efforts to curb economic coercion and sustain a rules-based trading system.

Source : Brookings
