Ambassador Mark Brzezinski’s Remarks at Motorola 30th Anniversary Celebration
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Ambassador Mark Brzezinski’s Remarks at Motorola 30th Anniversary Celebration

Good afternoon. I am so honored to be here today and join you all in this historic moment for Motorola Solutions, commemorating 30 years in Poland, and 25 years in Krakow. That is an incredible achievement, and one that should rightly be celebrated.

Thank you to the Motorola Solutions team for inviting me to join you today, with special thanks to Monica, Jacek, and Magda, for coordinating such a fantastic event.

And thank you to the various members of the media, private sector, and local community, for showing such interest in this milestone.

In the past 30 years, Poland has experienced great change, and emerged as a leader in Central Europe, building an economy that has continued to thrive despite the various challenges it has faced.

Byłem tu już przed trzydziestu laty, zanim jeszcze Polska przystąpiła do NATO [I was here thirty years ago, before Poland was part of NATO].

I am proud of the impact that U.S. investment in Poland has had during that period, promoting job growth and economic development and opportunity. Motorola Solutions was actually one of the first major U.S. investors in southern Poland, and has seen significant growth in the region, now employing a talented and diverse workforce of over 2,600 that support development of cutting-edge technology and software. And I am happy to note that one of their key partners, Tauron, is represented here today, and I look forward to hearing about what plans they have for the future.

And I should emphasize that Motorola Solutions’ investment here in Poland, their largest workforce outside of the United States, is a great example of the strength of the strategic, bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Poland.

That is a relationship that we want to see continue to grow. Chcemy, by Polska dynamicznie się rozwijała [We want Poland to prosper and thrive].

Regarding the results of the recent election, as with previous administrations, we look forward to working with the new government once it is established to continue strengthening ties between the United States and Poland. I know the business community is also eager to continue working closely on our shared agenda. For the private sector, expectations remain the same. As the United States has always said, we find the following elements to be key for promoting economic development and opportunity:

A fair, transparent, and predictable regulatory environment, to include a stable legislative agenda, where rule of law is respected and championed.

A stable legal environment is good for business and Poland’s investment climate. Businesses grow and prosper in places where an equal economic playing field exists.

Embracing and promoting these principles can help ensure that our great U.S. companies, like Motorola Solutions, will continue to expand their presence in Poland, develop new market opportunities, and deepen their collaboration with local partners.

During my time as U.S. Ambassador to Poland, I have seen several other great examples of major U.S. investments in Poland, across important sectors like energy, semiconductors, advanced manufacturing, defense, and others. These investments are fantastic endorsements of the talent, drive, and entrepreneurial spirit of the Polish people. After all, these major projects by internationally recognized companies would not have been made if their teams didn’t have faith in the Polish people.

I am also proud of how many of our great, U.S. companies, like Motorola Solutions, are leading the way in addressing some of our greatest global challenges by serving as champions for diverse voices.

They are developing and recruiting women for management and leadership positions at a rapid pace, including refugees from Ukraine. I am so proud of these efforts, and of all the U.S. companies in Poland who represent the very best of American values.

A commitment to corporate social responsibility, serving as an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion, leading on innovation and transformation, and doing what is right for your local community – these are true American values.

And these qualities and values are shared by our friends in Poland. Nothing exemplifies this more than the tireless efforts of the public and private sectors to support the people of Ukraine. This is part of delivering for democracy.

The United States, Poland, our allies, and partners need to aspire to be the best versions of ourselves. Those of you in the business community are part of this. You are Ambassadors for this democratic renewal. You have key tools to support the aspirations of all Polish citizens, especially young people, and this is especially pertinent as we look towards building a better future.

The private sector in Poland will play a critical role in what comes next for the region. Poland’s proximity, stability, and infrastructure will make it an indispensable platform for trade and investment flow to and from Ukraine.

Plus, Poland’s example of a successful economic transition to a market economy, tackling corruption, attracting foreign investment, and proven commitment to democracy could offer valuable lessons for Ukraine.

And I cannot stress enough that U.S. investment in Poland sends a clear message that doing business in Poland is safe. Polska jest bezpieczna; Polska jest zabezpieczona [Poland is safe and secure]. American investment here enhances our collective security and strengthens our economies. It also deepens our common bond, our shared values, and people-to-people ties.

The U.S. government is committed to helping Poland continue to thrive and prosper, and I am confident that our great U.S. companies will play a big role in those efforts. Thank you again to the Motorola Solutions team for inviting me here today, and congratulations again on reaching this milestone.

Source : US Embassy
