Malaysian Observer Expounds on End of U.S. Hegemony
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Malaysian Observer Expounds on End of U.S. Hegemony

The United States has become “a babbling, ineffective, old fat weakening bully, like the proverbial naked king on his horseback, cheered on by a very small number of hangers-on servile nations called the Collective West,” said an article published recently by the Malaysian Daily Express.

“This tiny number of court-jester Collective West consists of countries that can be counted by the fingers of my hands. The United States and this so-called Collective West have ganged up to rule the world, plundered the resources of poor countries, have punished those which dared to oppose them with invasions and bombs,” said Datuk John Lo, author of the opinion piece titled “End of U.S. hegemony.”

“The bogey in the perpetuation of their scheme for world dominance is China … They tried hard but failed to persuade China to adopt and be subjugated to the United States and the Collective West under the guise of liberal democracy,” read the article.

“China has a mind of own. It has shown that its development model with social characteristics can work better than the Western one. And the whole world, from Asia, Africa to Latin America have an alternative model, a way out of the grip of the United States and the Collective West,” Lo said.

“The unipolar world order has gone. A new order is emerging,” the author said.
